
A personalized approach to
people-centric processes

In social services, data is important to manage, but people—in all their complexity — are at the heart of your mission. Building successful software means reaching beyond codes and algorithms and into a genuine understanding of what your people do and how they do it. Our mutual goal: translating complex processes into simple steps that fit your workflows, your objectives, and ultimately, your values.

Question assumptions, anticipate needs

We bring nearly twenty years of experience to your data management objectives, helping you anticipate and resolve challenges before they become obstacles. Through close collaboration, we take pains to understand how you work and why, what data you need to collect and how it will be applied. By asking many questions up front, we arrive at design answers that not only conform to the way you really work, but are prepared to serve your needs as your agency or organization grows.

Model multiple options

Instead of locking you into one design, Cityspan gives you multiple choices that allow you to arrive at the optimal balance of cost, usability, functionality, and ease of maintenance. We pursue the practical—our deep client experience helps us make recommendations field-tested for success. Yet flexibility remains a constant: If you select an approach that doesn’t work as expected, you’re not boxed in—we will apply an alternative that fits your evolving needs.

Garner stakeholder support

At every stage, we welcome input from the constituents important to you—clients, staff, funders, collaborators, and more—to incorporate their concerns into your software solution. We help you articulate and represent your design decisions to your stakeholders, allowing you to build support that encourages adoption.

Simplify your systems

A system that really works has to conform to your day-to-day reality. In environments with demanding schedules and high staff turn-over, your service software must serve people simply. The sum of our work is a clear, clean interface that’s easy to learn, easy to use, and easy to manage.

To learn more about our software or to find out which of Cityspan solutions can help your organization improve efficiency and service delivery, contact us.